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Interregional Cooperation at Scientific Computing in Interdisciplinary Science

"I think the Workshop was very well organized and executed excellently. It was a particularly useful investment of my time offering an significant experience, since the quality of the provided information was of a really high level"

Nikos Dellis - Dipl. Mechanical Engineer, MBA

"This project gave me the opportunity to get to know new potential research partners such as AUTH. This resulted in a new collaboration for the preparation of scientific research proposals"

Dr. Fotis K.Liotopoulos - SBOING S.A.

"I am very glad that I participated to this successful project. During these two years I earned useful knowledge and made good friends"

Paraskevas Giazitzidis, MSc - Member of the Organizing committee

"Through this project I was able to expand my research collaborations and interact with companies active in real-world market applications of my fields of interest"

Dr. Michael Maragakis - Project manager

"I enjoyed this project very much! I found new collaborators for the future, and new opportunities for research"

Prof. Panos Argyrakis - Scientific project coordinator
(c) Computational Physics Group A.U.Th.